Thursday, January 12, 2006

Career changers make room for rat racers

This is a 'Daily Planet' headline I thought of today. Well actually yesterday at work while discussing how many people are retraining to be something else other than a corporate slave e.g. Glass Blower, Dog Groomer, Yoga Teacher, Counsellor, etc. Katie in fact has a plan that in 2 years time she and partner will run a ski chalet in zee Alps. There's me and my retreat. Etc., etc., etc.

I have to wonder if we all jump off the giant hamster wheel of stationery cupboards and shareholder value, who will be left to keep the momentum of the treadmill going? I suspect those individuals who stick with the office job will be fewer and fewer, therefore becoming highly sought after and richly rewarded. Possibly also having to work even harder and longer to make up for numbers, but ever smarter and more efficient to rise to the challenge. Companies will provide drivers so as not to compromise their saftey when they try to drive home after another 11 hour day.

Meanwhile us lot, who wanted to self-actualise, will be jostling for space in the densest service industry ever. On the positive side, you won't have to go to the out of town retail park because Mike at no 20 will be building furniture out of his garage. We'll have given ourselves the kiss of hippy death as far as Super Inc or Profit PLC are concerned, but we will be happy and as poor as a church mouse.

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