In the words of William Goldman "Life is pain, anyone who says differently is selling something."
I would like to say of love in the words of the little boy Sam in Love Actually - what's "Worse than the total agony of being in love?"
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Monday, January 16, 2006
Recycle your books and buy recycled
OK so the choice is nowt like Amazon but it is only £3.75 a book and free postage on most items. You can even sell your books too or use your sales proceeds to buy books. Check out
p.s. did I ooh and aah yet about Indian Head Massage. Wow! Powerful stuff. A friend's husband is most put out that she thinks it's better than sex.
p.s. did I ooh and aah yet about Indian Head Massage. Wow! Powerful stuff. A friend's husband is most put out that she thinks it's better than sex.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Career changers make room for rat racers
This is a 'Daily Planet' headline I thought of today. Well actually yesterday at work while discussing how many people are retraining to be something else other than a corporate slave e.g. Glass Blower, Dog Groomer, Yoga Teacher, Counsellor, etc. Katie in fact has a plan that in 2 years time she and partner will run a ski chalet in zee Alps. There's me and my retreat. Etc., etc., etc.
I have to wonder if we all jump off the giant hamster wheel of stationery cupboards and shareholder value, who will be left to keep the momentum of the treadmill going? I suspect those individuals who stick with the office job will be fewer and fewer, therefore becoming highly sought after and richly rewarded. Possibly also having to work even harder and longer to make up for numbers, but ever smarter and more efficient to rise to the challenge. Companies will provide drivers so as not to compromise their saftey when they try to drive home after another 11 hour day.
Meanwhile us lot, who wanted to self-actualise, will be jostling for space in the densest service industry ever. On the positive side, you won't have to go to the out of town retail park because Mike at no 20 will be building furniture out of his garage. We'll have given ourselves the kiss of hippy death as far as Super Inc or Profit PLC are concerned, but we will be happy and as poor as a church mouse.
I have to wonder if we all jump off the giant hamster wheel of stationery cupboards and shareholder value, who will be left to keep the momentum of the treadmill going? I suspect those individuals who stick with the office job will be fewer and fewer, therefore becoming highly sought after and richly rewarded. Possibly also having to work even harder and longer to make up for numbers, but ever smarter and more efficient to rise to the challenge. Companies will provide drivers so as not to compromise their saftey when they try to drive home after another 11 hour day.
Meanwhile us lot, who wanted to self-actualise, will be jostling for space in the densest service industry ever. On the positive side, you won't have to go to the out of town retail park because Mike at no 20 will be building furniture out of his garage. We'll have given ourselves the kiss of hippy death as far as Super Inc or Profit PLC are concerned, but we will be happy and as poor as a church mouse.
Life without mayonnaise...
I decided today while preparing my 7pm feast ,would not be any kind of reasonable life at all. Please god don't ever let my food intolerances extend to that!
A step closer to fulfilling a mother's dream
Bring it on Prince William! Mum has always said she had the princes in mind as the ideal suitor for her daughter. Ahem - well that's my mom's crazy thinking. As long as he doesn't mind an older woman, he is now at Sandhurst which is not far from me. Gee - I'm sounding as cooky as mum now.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
YEAR: 1981
1. Prince Charles got married.
2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe
3. Australia lost the Ashes tournament.
4. Pope died.
YEAR: 2005
1. Prince Charles got married.
2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe
3. Australia lost the Ashes tournament.
4. Pope died.
1. Prince Charles got married.
2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe
3. Australia lost the Ashes tournament.
4. Pope died.
YEAR: 2005
1. Prince Charles got married.
2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe
3. Australia lost the Ashes tournament.
4. Pope died.
Marta's super powerful mantra / so tired I can't feel my fingers / tall / Eastern European Crisis
Losing that tired feeling but getting out of bed is still tough. At least I am not in the over-worked over-stressed state prior to Xmas where I got into my car and slammed the door shut leaving my fingers in the ‘none’ space between the dashboard and car door. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I’ll never know how I even managed that contortion. My fingers were numb but in pain for a while but I grinned and bore the drive home.
Talking of the car I got into it yesterday and I swear my head grazed the ceiling when I moved – I believe I am growing taller.
Robin my neighbour thinks I am the perfect neighbour. I disturbed him Sunday night with an Eastern European emergency – i.e. I couldn’t open my new jar of pickled gherkins to go with my Polish sausage which was under the grill. I was immensely irate as I had waited to eat the sausage until I could have some gherkins.
He said over the phone “I have to warn you I will be in my dressing gown.”
To which I replied “Fine, I’m still in my pyjamas!”.
It was a battle and the jar won until we got a very sharp knife out!
Oh and lastly I’d like to share with you a mantra which is getting me through the tough days at work. It came to me suddenly in the form of a song as I was preparing for work one morning. You may have heard it before. I use it as my shield when anything bad is heading my way and it is this…
– “Remember you’re a womble!”
Why is time going so fast. My evenings and weekends fly by and I have so much to do. Must stop trying to read 5 books, trying to consider 2 business options and having 3 other projects on the go silmultaneously. Who has time to go to work?
Talking of the car I got into it yesterday and I swear my head grazed the ceiling when I moved – I believe I am growing taller.
Robin my neighbour thinks I am the perfect neighbour. I disturbed him Sunday night with an Eastern European emergency – i.e. I couldn’t open my new jar of pickled gherkins to go with my Polish sausage which was under the grill. I was immensely irate as I had waited to eat the sausage until I could have some gherkins.
He said over the phone “I have to warn you I will be in my dressing gown.”
To which I replied “Fine, I’m still in my pyjamas!”.
It was a battle and the jar won until we got a very sharp knife out!
Oh and lastly I’d like to share with you a mantra which is getting me through the tough days at work. It came to me suddenly in the form of a song as I was preparing for work one morning. You may have heard it before. I use it as my shield when anything bad is heading my way and it is this…
– “Remember you’re a womble!”
Why is time going so fast. My evenings and weekends fly by and I have so much to do. Must stop trying to read 5 books, trying to consider 2 business options and having 3 other projects on the go silmultaneously. Who has time to go to work?
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Wedding vows today
My friends vows were so interesting to me as they dealt with aspects that rock marriages today i.e. continuing to be on the same path together.
"I M take you N to be my lawful wife. I promise to share your vision of life with tolerance, patience and understanding. I will always be open and honest with you. I will grow with you in mind and spirit. I promise to love you and make you happy!
I N take you M to be my lawful husband. I promise to be kind, respectful and trustworthy. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will encourage you to fulfil your dreams. I promise to love you and make you happy!"
"I M take you N to be my lawful wife. I promise to share your vision of life with tolerance, patience and understanding. I will always be open and honest with you. I will grow with you in mind and spirit. I promise to love you and make you happy!
I N take you M to be my lawful husband. I promise to be kind, respectful and trustworthy. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will encourage you to fulfil your dreams. I promise to love you and make you happy!"
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Safer on the sofa by far
In the year of me me me I attempted to do some yoga and the pain was so bad that I went for a massage tonight - twas lovely. Next week it's chiro and Indian Head Massage. Got to fit in the hair colour appointment and try some classes, plus do all that reading I now can comfortably with my new reading light, legs up on pouffe curled up under fluffy blanket. I like winter. Who wants to go out anyway?
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Angels into 2006 captured for posterity
says she swung to online instead of paper. I like paper, I really do but it's swamping me and may never be found again.
Marta: Power Trust Birth (have decided last one has to be a kitten - a baby Norwegian Forest Cat is my heart's desire)
Suna: Expectancy Adventure Light (and she's already putting them to good use)
Robin: Communication Education Understanding (talk about a theme)
Jim: Freedom Love Courage (that does sound exciting)
Marta: Power Trust Birth (have decided last one has to be a kitten - a baby Norwegian Forest Cat is my heart's desire)
Suna: Expectancy Adventure Light (and she's already putting them to good use)
Robin: Communication Education Understanding (talk about a theme)
Jim: Freedom Love Courage (that does sound exciting)
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Appreciation day and waffle
I’m going to start with my boyfriend. He’s in Oz visiting his sister but bless him, hauled in loads of mineral water so I wouldn’t have to lug it home from the supermarket without him around to help. He also got hold of some films I wanted to watch so I wouldn’t be at a loose end without him to amuse me.
One of said films was ‘Hannah and her sisters’. Thank you Woody Allen – you are a genius! I have collected my favourite lines from the film:
“Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands” E. E. Cummings
“This non person, this haircut that pretends to be a man” Hannah’s mother
“The only absolute knowledge attainable by man is that life is meaningless.” Tolstoy
“How the hell do I know why there were Nazis? I don’t even know how to use the can opener.” Mikey’s (Woody Allen’s) father
I’ve had lovely emails from some of my girlfriends today too. Sisterhood is wonderful. New Year was great spent with friends. Good friends you can rely on and cheer you on when you are down (rather than put you down) are so so important, whether male or female.
Something I am so glad I did end of 2004 was get back on good terms with my father, last seen acting like a complete psychopath while I was a teenager, after 14 years of no contact of my own volition, creation and policing. When my brother said dad and his partner were considering buying a place in Crete, it dawned on me that maybe he was normal and like other people’s parents. And he is and entertaining and kind. Well not that normal but his funny East European man quirks are what make him endearing. It’s interesting to discover things we have in common like being freeze-a-lots (always feeling the cold first) and that we both save cuttings from magazines and newspapers to do something with these valuable nuggets sometime but never do. A lot can change in 14 years. Even I can forget the past and just enjoy the now.
At work I’ve found a great connection with some of my colleagues from HR – it’s so good to speak to someone on the same wavelength. And let’s face it I am so odd, that’s difficult for me to find. In fact I have now come to wonder why is it that I go to such lengths to be different and then feel horrible being an alien amongst certain groups. Why do I feel like a fish in water at a gay disco but am in a permanent sate of horrification when at a typical hetero Kevin and Sharon club. Christ on a bike! – don’t they look in the mirror before leaving the house? May be I just need to avoid those groups. Obviously too pedestrian for me. I like to fly and not always in my UFO from Planet Marta.
I stayed at my friend J’s the other night partly to catch up and partly to stave off the pining for lost penguin (boyfriend reference). I had this dream I could fly and was flying a lot. It was wonderful and I was so convinced on getting out of bed, I tried to fly but just landed back on the bed. 10 out of 10 for effort and belief Marta. 5 stars! Could have made a nasty crack in J’s wall though, had I been successful. You see - sometimes failure has its positives. Yes I will be more positive this year.
One of said films was ‘Hannah and her sisters’. Thank you Woody Allen – you are a genius! I have collected my favourite lines from the film:
“Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands” E. E. Cummings
“This non person, this haircut that pretends to be a man” Hannah’s mother
“The only absolute knowledge attainable by man is that life is meaningless.” Tolstoy
“How the hell do I know why there were Nazis? I don’t even know how to use the can opener.” Mikey’s (Woody Allen’s) father
I’ve had lovely emails from some of my girlfriends today too. Sisterhood is wonderful. New Year was great spent with friends. Good friends you can rely on and cheer you on when you are down (rather than put you down) are so so important, whether male or female.
Something I am so glad I did end of 2004 was get back on good terms with my father, last seen acting like a complete psychopath while I was a teenager, after 14 years of no contact of my own volition, creation and policing. When my brother said dad and his partner were considering buying a place in Crete, it dawned on me that maybe he was normal and like other people’s parents. And he is and entertaining and kind. Well not that normal but his funny East European man quirks are what make him endearing. It’s interesting to discover things we have in common like being freeze-a-lots (always feeling the cold first) and that we both save cuttings from magazines and newspapers to do something with these valuable nuggets sometime but never do. A lot can change in 14 years. Even I can forget the past and just enjoy the now.
At work I’ve found a great connection with some of my colleagues from HR – it’s so good to speak to someone on the same wavelength. And let’s face it I am so odd, that’s difficult for me to find. In fact I have now come to wonder why is it that I go to such lengths to be different and then feel horrible being an alien amongst certain groups. Why do I feel like a fish in water at a gay disco but am in a permanent sate of horrification when at a typical hetero Kevin and Sharon club. Christ on a bike! – don’t they look in the mirror before leaving the house? May be I just need to avoid those groups. Obviously too pedestrian for me. I like to fly and not always in my UFO from Planet Marta.
I stayed at my friend J’s the other night partly to catch up and partly to stave off the pining for lost penguin (boyfriend reference). I had this dream I could fly and was flying a lot. It was wonderful and I was so convinced on getting out of bed, I tried to fly but just landed back on the bed. 10 out of 10 for effort and belief Marta. 5 stars! Could have made a nasty crack in J’s wall though, had I been successful. You see - sometimes failure has its positives. Yes I will be more positive this year.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Get off your butt and do something
And if you don't know what - here's some inspiration:
ps "I have a new philosphy on life. I only dread one day at a time." - Charles Schultz
ps "I have a new philosphy on life. I only dread one day at a time." - Charles Schultz
Sunday, January 01, 2006
My resolution for 2006 is to fall in love...
...with myself and treat myself real nice starting with a) taking time to do yoga and reap the mental/physical benefits; and b) creating a cosy well lit space to read in.
New Years Eve went really well. My dinner was a success - even my surprise (what needs eating in the kitchen) yorkshire puds stuffed with chestnuts and brussel sprouts. The halibut was yummy and I'm definitely going to cook more fresh fish from now on (thanks Ewa for inspiring me). Haagen Daaz and luxury sticky toffee pudding for dessert - how can you go wrong? By the way Mark while you bake in Australia, some nicely chilled Haagen Daaz and champagne is waiting for your return.
We watched 'Love Actually' which I think may be my favourite movie of that ilk and it finished 5 to midnight when Heart FM counted us in and played Auld Lang Syne as the neighbours kindly provided the firework display enjoyed through the windows. PERFECT! Then we chose Angels to accompany us into the new year. I got Power, Trust and Birth. That last one has really worried me as you can imagine.
In defense or something it led me the next morning to pontificate on what the effects would be in the whole world gave up having children for a decade in order to lessen the burden on the environment and increase employment chances for older people etc.
Back to last night then we did Robin's personality quiz of a million questions which was very thought provoking and awakening - hence more fuel to my resolution. I'm a 6 - a 'Questioner'. A great night! On Myers Briggs I am an ESFJ by the way and it really sounded like me but then it always does. I am everything. Sounds like some anthem song.
So perfect night except I always find it bit of an anti-climax after the expectation that at midnight something super miraculous happens like ... let me think ... Colin Firth kidnaps Mark in the Australian outback so that he can woo me. No, I think I prefer Mark's company. That would have been a perfect perfect evening then.
New Years Eve went really well. My dinner was a success - even my surprise (what needs eating in the kitchen) yorkshire puds stuffed with chestnuts and brussel sprouts. The halibut was yummy and I'm definitely going to cook more fresh fish from now on (thanks Ewa for inspiring me). Haagen Daaz and luxury sticky toffee pudding for dessert - how can you go wrong? By the way Mark while you bake in Australia, some nicely chilled Haagen Daaz and champagne is waiting for your return.
We watched 'Love Actually' which I think may be my favourite movie of that ilk and it finished 5 to midnight when Heart FM counted us in and played Auld Lang Syne as the neighbours kindly provided the firework display enjoyed through the windows. PERFECT! Then we chose Angels to accompany us into the new year. I got Power, Trust and Birth. That last one has really worried me as you can imagine.
In defense or something it led me the next morning to pontificate on what the effects would be in the whole world gave up having children for a decade in order to lessen the burden on the environment and increase employment chances for older people etc.
Back to last night then we did Robin's personality quiz of a million questions which was very thought provoking and awakening - hence more fuel to my resolution. I'm a 6 - a 'Questioner'. A great night! On Myers Briggs I am an ESFJ by the way and it really sounded like me but then it always does. I am everything. Sounds like some anthem song.
So perfect night except I always find it bit of an anti-climax after the expectation that at midnight something super miraculous happens like ... let me think ... Colin Firth kidnaps Mark in the Australian outback so that he can woo me. No, I think I prefer Mark's company. That would have been a perfect perfect evening then.

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