Thursday, October 18, 2007

You've gotta watch this video - let it load first and ensure you have sound on. If I say it's a parrot dancing you'll want to just hit delete but all my friends mailed back saying how they nearly did that but were so glad they didn't as they loved it to bits. Watch the bird in the cage on the left join in too. Jan reckons some men don't even dance that well.

From Carolyn it prompted this great story back:
"I loved this!  It was particularly funny that day
because I had stopped into the animal shelter and a
woman who worked there showed me a cockatiel who had
been brought in and its cage sat next to a cage with
two rats. Apparently the cockatiel came to believe
the two rats were her children to the point that if
the two rats are removed from her eyesight it screams
and throws a proper fit at about fifty decibels.

The shelter worker demonstrated this and sure enough
the bird flipped out. Needless to say, they are
trying to get the three of them adopted together at
this point. I love exotic animals and this video you
sent and my experience that day with the nutty
cockatiel was brilliant.

My crazy kotek (cat) that is now 14 years old from Warsaw is
cleaning out the neighborhood of anything that
resembles a rodent. When Alex is visiting it becomes
particularly nasty. Chipmunks, birds etc. brought in
half eaten as "presents" for the "king" that is
visiting. Soon he will be jumping the elderly on the
sidewalk in front of out house and bringing them half
eaten through the cat door...

I had no idea that the tradition of offering the best
food to ones visitors in Poland actually extended to
the animals knowing this also, but they do. Polish
culture is not to be taken lightly or messed about

I am saving the dancing cockatoo on my desktop for a
good laugh when I need it."

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