Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Holy cow - I'm a believer but not sanctimonious

Went to church Sunday morning of my own accord - first time in at least one, maybe two decades. Well it was Palm Sunday and I have been meaning to go since I had a spiritual 'experience' last November in a church in Granada, Spain. Happy clappy stuff Baptist style (much jollier than Polish Catholic which had hymns like something out of a requiem and made you miserable) but not sure I believe in Jesus, heaven, hell or the devil - yet something quite odd happened when I took Holy Communion.

Was a bit shocked by how keen they were to take me into the fold/recruit me. Not sure which breed of church is really my style or fits with my ideas. Was definitely sat in the best part of the congregation i.e. the corner with the greatest concentration of black Baptists who sang better, danced in the pews and really opened themselves and their palms up to worship. I definitely think worship should be joyful and I loved that the songs were uplifting and they had a band playing live to accompany us. The preacher was excellent, funny and very in line with life today.

Just don't know exactly what it is I believe in - an all mighty power of some sort yes, Jesus might have existed at least yes, believe every word in the bible - no, worship as we do now with rules and ramming the gospel down your throat, especially if you're Muslim, I don't like the idea of.

God is with me. I'm with the Woolwich.

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