Just going to bed after a late one (now 4am) - ended up abandoning the birthday party crowd as they were mostly highly unsocialable snogging groping couples which made us (Steve and I) feel enormously depressed - even b'day boy had a new relationship and they were so all over eachother we had to wait for them to take breath so we could say bye bye, after we'd spotted we were across the street from Ronnie Scotts. In there we saw Anita Wardell (fanbloody tastic singing some beautiful songs I'd not heard before - wonderful and even apt lyrics to "Everything happens to me" and "You don't know me") and Curtis Fuller Sextet (just great - he's played with Miles, Dizzy, Billy Holiday - just all those to whom you bow and repeat after me "I'm not worthy") and we were stood next to Curtis Lacey who was one of those real characters whose laugh lit up the whole place. Then we managed to get a table.
After taking in some live jazz we discovered upstairs they have a great latino african night - the dancing nightclubbers were brilliant, really cosmopolitan crowd inc the pony tailed suited and booted twirling Colombian drug baron, plenty of room and not too hot and sweaty. Steve gasped he'd never be able to dance salsa like that so we fled walking back through the sights to Westminster where the car was parked. Of course we talked politics past parliament on the way there but in Covent Garden this was replaced with what would porn robots do, how would they dress, what would get their oil flowing etc?
Belgos food start of the evening was amazing like always (those monks sure can cook) but it was like being herded cattle - toooooo many people. London would be great if two thirds of the inhabitants would just piss off. Late lunch is the way to do it. Beforehand I bought some cool stuff as we were early and shops were still open in Covent Garden. This included 'Truth or Dare' cards which we played over dessert - so guess who gets their first dare as mooning the other players?
After that Vivien took us to a garlic vodka shots bar which was in a cellar with loud, too loud, death metal music and lots of Zeds with any number vying to be the gimp that night. Lots of skulls and what looked like horror film memorabilia. All this before Cafe Italia which had some great dance music to go with your cappucino but was so busy we stood outside in the cold while the lovebirds inside steamed up the place further.
Oh and I said the most stupid insensitive thing ever to Raffis husband I'd met for the first time. I asked him where he was from in N Ireland and when he said Lurgan (which I know and have been to, didn't like not least because a teenage girl barked at me like a dog because I looked Catholic but was in the Proddy end of the street) I said "Isn't that the place that was always getting flattened by the IRA?" Size 12 foot in mouth please. I apologised for sounding so horribly insensitive. Mental note: - activate all mental notes regularly and especially before opening gob!
My tummy is dodgy so feeling bit ughh but that started this am so can't blame the surf n turf. Lobster is my new thing. I ordered it to come with the starter which was a good plan because we did all finish the meal at the same time - I am a slow eater. God the M4 was so so empty it was real spooky driving back but that's 3am for you on a Saturday night.
Right make up off and hopefully stomach will be okay tomorrow for lunchtime adventures in Berkshire
p.s. have arranged to see a nice studio flat in centre of B'mouth next Sat - not sure why I did so but hey