My blog of the Argentina grand tour can be found at and what a wonderful trip it is turning out to be from peaks to penguin poo at the end of the earth. Love it and worth the 12 year wait to get here.
All my recent photos are now moved to this address in case you had the other one bookmarked - Some great best of Argentina trip photos to come once we get to somewhere with a speedy internet connection. Only first few days posted so far. We're just back from Torres Del Paine national park where yesterday we had lunch at a view point listening to the rumble of avalanches in the valley over the other side of the lake. Today we were beset first by guanacos and then chased by dogs. Feels like we've been travelling months we've seen so much and covered such distances but it has only been a week.
Finally as if all those links were not enough I have started a blog which collects all my hotel and travel tips at Basically great places I heartily recommend.
Marta xx