I think I've just become a quiz addict. My favourite one was which Madonna song would you be and I loved the result. See below.
Well I think this http://www.blogthings.com/quizzes.html is going to help me keep to one spot and rest for a few hours now
Monday, May 16, 2005
What my birthdate says about me and living to 79
Being born on the X day of the month is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life. The energy of X allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental.
There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, "couldn't care less" attitude.
You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression. Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing. You are energetic and always a good conversationalist.
You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters.
You are affectionate and loving, but sometimes too sensitive.
You are subject to rapid ups and downs.
and I'll live to 79 and die in an average way - http://www.blogthings.com/whatagewillyoudiequiz/
but I act 26 http://www.blogthings.com/whatagequiz/
There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, "couldn't care less" attitude.
You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression. Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing. You are energetic and always a good conversationalist.
You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters.
You are affectionate and loving, but sometimes too sensitive.
You are subject to rapid ups and downs.
and I'll live to 79 and die in an average way - http://www.blogthings.com/whatagewillyoudiequiz/
but I act 26 http://www.blogthings.com/whatagequiz/
Is this me? Personality test
Your #1 Match: ENFP
The InspirerYou love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.
Your #2 Match: ESFP
The PerformerYou are a natural performer and happiest when you're entertaining others.A great friend, you are generous, fun-loving and optimistic.You love to laugh - and you like almost all people equally.You accept life as it is, and you do your best to make each day fantastic.You would make a good actor, designer, or counselor.
Except for the actor they are all careers I have considered at some point or even tried. Yes that's right. Vote for Marta. I was told by a teacher at age 17 I'd make a good politician having given a presentation on abortion rights. What an insult although I think she meant it because I had strong views and stuck to them. That's not how I think of politicians.
As I have got older my personality has definitely changed - I don't want work to define who I am and my success as a human being anymore. I think this reflects that.
Check out your personality at http://www.blogthings.com/mbtiquiz/
The InspirerYou love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.
Your #2 Match: ESFP
The PerformerYou are a natural performer and happiest when you're entertaining others.A great friend, you are generous, fun-loving and optimistic.You love to laugh - and you like almost all people equally.You accept life as it is, and you do your best to make each day fantastic.You would make a good actor, designer, or counselor.
Except for the actor they are all careers I have considered at some point or even tried. Yes that's right. Vote for Marta. I was told by a teacher at age 17 I'd make a good politician having given a presentation on abortion rights. What an insult although I think she meant it because I had strong views and stuck to them. That's not how I think of politicians.
As I have got older my personality has definitely changed - I don't want work to define who I am and my success as a human being anymore. I think this reflects that.
Check out your personality at http://www.blogthings.com/mbtiquiz/
Wow! Answer a few Qs about pets and you get this...
Do it, do it with love at http://www.blogthings.com/keystoyourheartquiz/
"The Keys to Your Heart:
- You are attracted to good manners and elegance.
- In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.
- You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.
- You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.
- Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
- Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
- You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
- In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.
"The Keys to Your Heart:
- You are attracted to good manners and elegance.
- In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.
- You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.
- You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.
- Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
- Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
- You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
- In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.
I have a 14% chance of going to hell
Do it yourself at http://www.blogthings.com/howsinfulareyouquiz/. What's yours?
My Deadly Sins:
Gluttony: 40%
Sloth: 40%
Lust: 20%
Envy: 0%
Greed: 0%
Pride: 0%
Wrath: 0%
Chance I'll Go to Hell: 14% ... You'll die from food poisoning - and then the natives will feast on your fatty limbs.
Hang on - let me just adjust my halo
My Deadly Sins:
Gluttony: 40%
Sloth: 40%
Lust: 20%
Envy: 0%
Greed: 0%
Pride: 0%
Wrath: 0%
Chance I'll Go to Hell: 14% ... You'll die from food poisoning - and then the natives will feast on your fatty limbs.
Hang on - let me just adjust my halo
Didn't know who to vote for?
Marta's Political Profile:
Overall: 40% Conservative, 60% Liberal
Social Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Try it at http://www.blogthings.com/liborconquiz/ or sod that and go to www.subservientchicken.com and have some fun instead
Overall: 40% Conservative, 60% Liberal
Social Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Try it at http://www.blogthings.com/liborconquiz/ or sod that and go to www.subservientchicken.com and have some fun instead
What Madonna song would you be?
I thought mine was very apt...
"You are HOLIDAY.... You are spontaneous and fun-loving, with a sense of adventure and need for attention. You're kind of childish, and just want someone to play with. You do things that make you happy and you won't betray the things you like just because some people think they are tacky!"
Again try it and let me know through the comment here - http://quizilla.com/users/mamaj/quizzes/What%20Madonna%20Song%20are%20You%3F/Not as bad as I thought
I am 65% normal which is normal!.... "Otherwise known as the normal amount of normal. You're like most people most of the time but you've got those quirks that make you endearing. You're unique, yes... but not frighteningly so!"
Try it yourself at http://www.blogthings.com/hownormalareyouquiz/ and comment here with your score please.
Try it yourself at http://www.blogthings.com/hownormalareyouquiz/ and comment here with your score please.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
New neighbours from hell
So Friday I go down with dad and my brother Marek to move some stuff to my new Bournemouth flat. He used to like to be called Fonzie but now tells us that is very old school and we must call him Marek.
I'm not too sure about the curry smells in the hallway but that is nothing compared to the happy excited squeals of the 2 little kids downstairs. I meet their dad and introduce myself. Seems like a nice chap. We exchange names and shake hands. He quickly asks out of the blue "What hours do you work?" I reply "9 to 5 pretty much." He responds "Oh that's no good. I come home from work at 11.30pm."
Well I'm sorry I will just change my life to suit I guess. "Are you telling me I need earplugs?"
Then he tells me the woman who was in my flat couldn't stand kids and came down to him distraught saying "I can't take it anymore with your children". I don't like her either. She's left me loads of crap in the cupboard, old sofa cushions and a shitty sideboard to dispose of. Dad offers to take this back to Aylesbury and dispose of it for me. Lovely lovely dad. Argos deliver the wardrobe but wheel it down the street because of the one way system to get to me. They say the sofa will not go up the stairs to my flat so we rush to dismantle the sofa into parts in the parking area before the rain comes. Some pratt has parked his enormous BMW too close to our driveway and we scratch my car on the way out. On the plus side we get to meet some neighbours and I get an incredibly warm welcome to the neighbourhood. Very friendly people which is one reason I like Bournemouth.
My mentally retarded brother shouts rather than speaks and likes to be argumentative. The wardrobe takes 6 hrs rather than 1 hr to build and is a colourful experiencewith much banging and debate. I leave feeling game set and match on noise levels to flat 3. Take that.
I'm not too sure about the curry smells in the hallway but that is nothing compared to the happy excited squeals of the 2 little kids downstairs. I meet their dad and introduce myself. Seems like a nice chap. We exchange names and shake hands. He quickly asks out of the blue "What hours do you work?" I reply "9 to 5 pretty much." He responds "Oh that's no good. I come home from work at 11.30pm."
Well I'm sorry I will just change my life to suit I guess. "Are you telling me I need earplugs?"
Then he tells me the woman who was in my flat couldn't stand kids and came down to him distraught saying "I can't take it anymore with your children". I don't like her either. She's left me loads of crap in the cupboard, old sofa cushions and a shitty sideboard to dispose of. Dad offers to take this back to Aylesbury and dispose of it for me. Lovely lovely dad. Argos deliver the wardrobe but wheel it down the street because of the one way system to get to me. They say the sofa will not go up the stairs to my flat so we rush to dismantle the sofa into parts in the parking area before the rain comes. Some pratt has parked his enormous BMW too close to our driveway and we scratch my car on the way out. On the plus side we get to meet some neighbours and I get an incredibly warm welcome to the neighbourhood. Very friendly people which is one reason I like Bournemouth.
My mentally retarded brother shouts rather than speaks and likes to be argumentative. The wardrobe takes 6 hrs rather than 1 hr to build and is a colourful experiencewith much banging and debate. I leave feeling game set and match on noise levels to flat 3. Take that.
Neighbours from hell - "Sorry to hear about your divorce
... by the way your bum still looks really good." Inappropriate comment no. 233. What do you say to that or do you just run away like I did?
Oh the world is full of charm isn't it - not. I must surround myself with better company.
How things change! I went over to say hello to this old neighbour when visiting Ewa. More as a defensive strategy so my beloved Golf wouldn't be keyed while I was inside. Only 2 years ago it was a raging war between us and the **** superglued my front door, started a hate campaign and tried to intimidate me to move out. A stupid thing about parking.
Two people who rented couldn't park because all the spaces for our flats were taken so they went to the flats next door and got clamped. Their complaint led our freeholder to bring clamping in for us too and we were supposed only to park on our numbered spaces or get clamped. Thing is we all had devised our own spots of many years that didn't fit the numbering. The taxi driver and carpet fitter wanted their vehicles outside their window so they could hear if someone was breaking into them. I wanted my car at the bottom in case I forgot to put my handbrake on (blonde moment). Some had 2 cars. I was convinced we could suss a plan using visitors spaces where everyone parked where they wanted so I went round and got everyone's parking space vote and marked it out on a map with registration numbers which the clamping company got with instructions not to clamp any of those cars. However Dave and John decided because I had done this, in my mind helpful thing, I had brought about the clamping too and the shit hit the fan.
They just wouldn't listen at all. Would bad mouth me to the other neighbours who came to me saying they knew I hadn't done anything wrong but they were too afraid of these bullies to protest. I had a blazing row with John in the middle of the parking and told him it was the last thing I was going to do and not to worry. But on it went and it was horrible. I dreaded turning in to come home in case I'd see one of them. It wasn't a misunderstanding - just their imagination and the people who had done the complaining not having the balls to say they did.
One day I passed David pretending I was invisible as had become the style. He turned back and asked me again when I'd be moving out. I started to explain that what they believed to be true wasn't. I got called a fucking bitch or something as bad. Thing was Armen was at home and heard. He's not one to take that kind of crap for a second. It seemed that within seconds Armen was downstairs and punching Dave. I also had hold of Dave at this point upset and pleading with him to understand that I was telling the truth and to give it up. Suddenly it all made sense to him as if a block had been lifted. He completely changed personality, apologised to me and came round 5 minutes later with chocolates. Armen gave him a bottle of wine. I became convinced very quickly that violence IS the answer. John apologised to me every Xmas card then on. I thought good that you feel bad - you made my life hell at what was already a shit time for me and home should have been my retreat.
Then I would have liked to see Dave burn in petrol that I'd poured on him but now when I talk to him it is fine and I hold no resentment. I'm not sure about the bottom comment though - I do resent that.
Oh the world is full of charm isn't it - not. I must surround myself with better company.
How things change! I went over to say hello to this old neighbour when visiting Ewa. More as a defensive strategy so my beloved Golf wouldn't be keyed while I was inside. Only 2 years ago it was a raging war between us and the **** superglued my front door, started a hate campaign and tried to intimidate me to move out. A stupid thing about parking.
Two people who rented couldn't park because all the spaces for our flats were taken so they went to the flats next door and got clamped. Their complaint led our freeholder to bring clamping in for us too and we were supposed only to park on our numbered spaces or get clamped. Thing is we all had devised our own spots of many years that didn't fit the numbering. The taxi driver and carpet fitter wanted their vehicles outside their window so they could hear if someone was breaking into them. I wanted my car at the bottom in case I forgot to put my handbrake on (blonde moment). Some had 2 cars. I was convinced we could suss a plan using visitors spaces where everyone parked where they wanted so I went round and got everyone's parking space vote and marked it out on a map with registration numbers which the clamping company got with instructions not to clamp any of those cars. However Dave and John decided because I had done this, in my mind helpful thing, I had brought about the clamping too and the shit hit the fan.
They just wouldn't listen at all. Would bad mouth me to the other neighbours who came to me saying they knew I hadn't done anything wrong but they were too afraid of these bullies to protest. I had a blazing row with John in the middle of the parking and told him it was the last thing I was going to do and not to worry. But on it went and it was horrible. I dreaded turning in to come home in case I'd see one of them. It wasn't a misunderstanding - just their imagination and the people who had done the complaining not having the balls to say they did.
One day I passed David pretending I was invisible as had become the style. He turned back and asked me again when I'd be moving out. I started to explain that what they believed to be true wasn't. I got called a fucking bitch or something as bad. Thing was Armen was at home and heard. He's not one to take that kind of crap for a second. It seemed that within seconds Armen was downstairs and punching Dave. I also had hold of Dave at this point upset and pleading with him to understand that I was telling the truth and to give it up. Suddenly it all made sense to him as if a block had been lifted. He completely changed personality, apologised to me and came round 5 minutes later with chocolates. Armen gave him a bottle of wine. I became convinced very quickly that violence IS the answer. John apologised to me every Xmas card then on. I thought good that you feel bad - you made my life hell at what was already a shit time for me and home should have been my retreat.
Then I would have liked to see Dave burn in petrol that I'd poured on him but now when I talk to him it is fine and I hold no resentment. I'm not sure about the bottom comment though - I do resent that.
Love and other emotions
I am just wondering does anyone else ever experience an intense feeling on occasion that they are full of love to share, so much so that other people must feel it radiating from you? That they want to hug their dearest friends and possibly even trees, there is so much love emanating from them? Do parents feel this and feel it often?
Have just been to see my wonderful friend Ewa back from her holiday and now happily doing some sewing to make some pillow cases for my new flat. I love her to bits and yes we hugged – three times. Drive there and back was in the sun through beautiful wooded roads. I was listening to Dolly Parton and am hoarse from singing along. No tree hugging let me assure you.
Feel very happy as I write this and I have much to be happy about. Strange in a way because this morning I was incredibly sad and cried in sympathy for someone Timi knows well and their family who lost someone very dear to them in the early hours of this morning. A few days ago I cried with joy reading the email from William describing the birth of their baby girl Olivia and becoming a dad. It was beautiful. There are endings and there are beginnings. To live through these experiences leaves one forever changed and makes us special people. You can (well I can) see and feel in someone that they have had such experience. To not live through them can leave us naively empty and emotionally underdeveloped. A friend used to irritate the hell out of me with their suffering is a gift spiel, including and especially my migraines, but I might be 10% there to understanding what they meant. Sorry – I know I am being obscure.
Anyway I am even more happy Olivia wasn’t a he, otherwise they were going to call her Bernard. Sorry guys but we are going to have to talk especially if you get pregnant again ;-)
Have just been to see my wonderful friend Ewa back from her holiday and now happily doing some sewing to make some pillow cases for my new flat. I love her to bits and yes we hugged – three times. Drive there and back was in the sun through beautiful wooded roads. I was listening to Dolly Parton and am hoarse from singing along. No tree hugging let me assure you.
Feel very happy as I write this and I have much to be happy about. Strange in a way because this morning I was incredibly sad and cried in sympathy for someone Timi knows well and their family who lost someone very dear to them in the early hours of this morning. A few days ago I cried with joy reading the email from William describing the birth of their baby girl Olivia and becoming a dad. It was beautiful. There are endings and there are beginnings. To live through these experiences leaves one forever changed and makes us special people. You can (well I can) see and feel in someone that they have had such experience. To not live through them can leave us naively empty and emotionally underdeveloped. A friend used to irritate the hell out of me with their suffering is a gift spiel, including and especially my migraines, but I might be 10% there to understanding what they meant. Sorry – I know I am being obscure.
Anyway I am even more happy Olivia wasn’t a he, otherwise they were going to call her Bernard. Sorry guys but we are going to have to talk especially if you get pregnant again ;-)
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Find out which celeb is the right one to date for you
I must read Hello magazine or something. I don't know who all these people are but surprise surprise, I got Clooney. Destiny you see!
I must read Hello magazine or something. I don't know who all these people are but surprise surprise, I got Clooney. Destiny you see!
Monday, May 09, 2005
These glasses work wonders you know
Now here's a contradiction given what you get to know about me from my blog. I had my interview feedback finally today for the internal job I went for. The first bit of their assessment of me was that I was "very intelligent". This amused me no end because it seems to headline all feedback I get. Even when an admirer last year nutshelled me, the first thing they listed about what made me rock was that I'm intelligent. It's so obviously not true but it certainly pays to be a girl that wears glasses. Come on. I mean you'd have to be stupid to admit to the dumb things I do and do so in a blog. My brain cells are very much affected by bleach on the hair - speaking of which I hate my hair and it is time to get rid of this Las Vegas given exotic bird look.
Welcome to Marta's world - the supermarket visit. I promise there is a laugh at the end
I decided to have another go at driving today and go a bit further as I am recovering well after the op - Sainsburys in fact. The purpose of the visit was to buy some carpet cleaner because Timi knocked over Jim's coffee onto the cream carpet in the house we rent. It was all in the frenzy of excitement leading up to her displaying her new belly dancing moves at the weekend. The organic lamb had also turned a very odd colour way before the sell by date so I thought I may as well return it.
It was so exciting being in a supermarket after all this time confined to the house. Jasper Conran has this really cool range of home ware there. I bought a candle that matched perfectly the coffee coloured circles theme for the lounge in my new Bournemouth flat (that will be good camouflage for coffee stains) and having seen the rechargeable batteries that may or may not fix our kaput walkabout home phone were £9, I decided to just buy a new phone for £20. What I didn’t bloody well come home with of course was the carpet cleaner which resulted in much cursing on realisation of this.
As I left the supermarket the phone made the security check beep and I decided I couldn’t be bothered to go back so kept walking calmly. An assistant hurried out after me and I started to run because it amused me to – after all he’d probably had a really boring night. I had this image in my head of the Coyote chasing Roadrunner and us zig zagging around the car park lot. After seeing my receipt he asked “Why did you start to run?”. “Oh” I replied “It’s such a long time since I was chased by a guy, I wanted to remember what it felt like.”
It was so exciting being in a supermarket after all this time confined to the house. Jasper Conran has this really cool range of home ware there. I bought a candle that matched perfectly the coffee coloured circles theme for the lounge in my new Bournemouth flat (that will be good camouflage for coffee stains) and having seen the rechargeable batteries that may or may not fix our kaput walkabout home phone were £9, I decided to just buy a new phone for £20. What I didn’t bloody well come home with of course was the carpet cleaner which resulted in much cursing on realisation of this.
As I left the supermarket the phone made the security check beep and I decided I couldn’t be bothered to go back so kept walking calmly. An assistant hurried out after me and I started to run because it amused me to – after all he’d probably had a really boring night. I had this image in my head of the Coyote chasing Roadrunner and us zig zagging around the car park lot. After seeing my receipt he asked “Why did you start to run?”. “Oh” I replied “It’s such a long time since I was chased by a guy, I wanted to remember what it felt like.”
You saw my painting a few entries back and now for some poetry
This was written 12th March 1995 on the back of one of my B/W photos of New York. I had put an ad in Time Out because I wanted to meet people in London to hang out with who enjoyed doing the same things as me. I met a Jewish girl called Amber who took me one Sunday afternoon to a disco/club thing in a church. It was weird - like a church fete full of hippies on god knows what substances, lying on mattresses, staring up at this huge screen with random images projected onto it. After seeing an insect I suddenly had a flash of inspiration and scribbled this down...
The insect climbed onto the sheets
Into the warm and into her lair
She breathed out silently
And put her clothes on the chair
He rubbed his legs together
And rolled on his back
She eyed up the circumstances
And then she stepped back
With shiny black eyes
He gave her a stare
Seizing the moment
She squashed him right there
The insect climbed onto the sheets
Into the warm and into her lair
She breathed out silently
And put her clothes on the chair
He rubbed his legs together
And rolled on his back
She eyed up the circumstances
And then she stepped back
With shiny black eyes
He gave her a stare
Seizing the moment
She squashed him right there
The blog of an accidental bint
That's me in case you were wondering. I am wondering how in the short space of a week I can be such a walking disaster. I was cutting off a branch of grapes and knifed myself - a nasty nick on the thumb (that sounded like someone from Eastenders then). I was wiping the nail scissors and stabbed my finger tip. I walked my funny bone into the bathroom door. Earlier I walked into a trolley leaving a red lump on my right leg and then matched it on the opposite side same height by opening the dishwasher onto my leg. Symmetry at least. Someone please wrap me up in cotton wool for my own good.
However none of this is as unfortunate as last year in Andalucia. While preening prior to a Spanish friend's wedding, I was shaving my legs with a razor in the bath. I stupidly managed to cut the vein on my ankle, soon realising this REALLY was the kind of shaving cut that is difficult to stop bleeding. I called for help from the incumbent of that time and we plastered it up tight. Then I lay on the bed with my leg up the wall praying for the bleeding to stop so I could go see my beloved friend get married. She didn't have a boyfriend for a decade, then fell in love with this wonderful toyboy who adores her and now they are with child moving into a bigger house. Then incumbent felt faint having endured the blood bath scene, so had to lie on the bed too. Bloody great - what a pair! At least I had boots rather than sandals for my outfit and I even managed to dance staying to the end which is considered good manners in Spain. This was at the beginning of the holiday so I had to have my foot up on the dash everywhere we drove to, try to avoid walking and if walking, keep my foot in the same position. I rang my GP back in the UK for advice! Of course when you are in Granada you have to go to the Alhambra and that takes a lot of walking or rather limping and hopping up and down staircases. I was so mad at myself for doing something so daft.
It is true how bad luck can run in threes. As a young girl I remember getting out of the bath to dry myself in our tiny loft conversion bathroom. I sneezed and hit my head on the towel hook. I stepped back impaling myself on my earring I had left on the floor and to cap the whole eventful bathtime off, after cutting my toe nails the small ones just came off completely while filing them. Sorry - do you need a bucket now? You weren't ready for that I'm sure. Needless to say I have never filed a nail since. Right I should finish before you lose your appetite completely.
However none of this is as unfortunate as last year in Andalucia. While preening prior to a Spanish friend's wedding, I was shaving my legs with a razor in the bath. I stupidly managed to cut the vein on my ankle, soon realising this REALLY was the kind of shaving cut that is difficult to stop bleeding. I called for help from the incumbent of that time and we plastered it up tight. Then I lay on the bed with my leg up the wall praying for the bleeding to stop so I could go see my beloved friend get married. She didn't have a boyfriend for a decade, then fell in love with this wonderful toyboy who adores her and now they are with child moving into a bigger house. Then incumbent felt faint having endured the blood bath scene, so had to lie on the bed too. Bloody great - what a pair! At least I had boots rather than sandals for my outfit and I even managed to dance staying to the end which is considered good manners in Spain. This was at the beginning of the holiday so I had to have my foot up on the dash everywhere we drove to, try to avoid walking and if walking, keep my foot in the same position. I rang my GP back in the UK for advice! Of course when you are in Granada you have to go to the Alhambra and that takes a lot of walking or rather limping and hopping up and down staircases. I was so mad at myself for doing something so daft.
It is true how bad luck can run in threes. As a young girl I remember getting out of the bath to dry myself in our tiny loft conversion bathroom. I sneezed and hit my head on the towel hook. I stepped back impaling myself on my earring I had left on the floor and to cap the whole eventful bathtime off, after cutting my toe nails the small ones just came off completely while filing them. Sorry - do you need a bucket now? You weren't ready for that I'm sure. Needless to say I have never filed a nail since. Right I should finish before you lose your appetite completely.
If you go down to the woods today ...
I was more adventurous today and went off into the unknown, i.e. to the right of the country lane and over the bank and into the woods. Thoroughly gorgeous. I saw the biggest hare in the world - as it hopped away from me, it reminded me of the Monty Python's Holy Grail bunny. Only that was small and vicious. This was one big mother of a rabbit. I honestly thought it was a dog at first. I'm not joking. If you go down to the woods today you're in for a big surprise - bunnies on steroids eating cake.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Discovering dad
You may not know that after 14 years of having the hump and being incommunicado with my father I decided to let bygones be bygones and get in contact. For good reason I might add. I'm almost proud to say that when I saw a counsellor for a few sessions after my divorce she sat back in her chair and announced "Everyone says they have a dysfunctional family but bloody hell Marta, you really DO have a dysfunctional family."
It's been great to let go and find out he's not a homicidal maniac after all. I first detected he may actually be somewhere close to a normal parent when I heard on the family grapevine he was thinking of buying a place in Spain or Cyprus. My brother and he are going to help me move some stuff in to the Bournemouth flat and to build furniture, put up shelves, etc. Wow - family life!
It's funny how I forgot what he sounded like. I had thought he was much more English than mum but he in fact has a very dodgy entertaining foreign accent and speaks considering every word. He also can be quite funny - when I met him the first time he accidentally drank my boyfriend at the time's wine and laughed "Oh dear. Excuse my wandering hands, won't you!" As an adult getting to know him is a real experience and today I discovered he has an utter contempt for Tony Blair. If his 21 year old car hadn't failed its MOT he was going to paint 'Down with Blair' and drive it around Aylesbury for the last few weeks. I admire the sentiment but maybe he's not that close to being a normal parent after all. Anyway no wonder I'm barking mad.
It's been great to let go and find out he's not a homicidal maniac after all. I first detected he may actually be somewhere close to a normal parent when I heard on the family grapevine he was thinking of buying a place in Spain or Cyprus. My brother and he are going to help me move some stuff in to the Bournemouth flat and to build furniture, put up shelves, etc. Wow - family life!
It's funny how I forgot what he sounded like. I had thought he was much more English than mum but he in fact has a very dodgy entertaining foreign accent and speaks considering every word. He also can be quite funny - when I met him the first time he accidentally drank my boyfriend at the time's wine and laughed "Oh dear. Excuse my wandering hands, won't you!" As an adult getting to know him is a real experience and today I discovered he has an utter contempt for Tony Blair. If his 21 year old car hadn't failed its MOT he was going to paint 'Down with Blair' and drive it around Aylesbury for the last few weeks. I admire the sentiment but maybe he's not that close to being a normal parent after all. Anyway no wonder I'm barking mad.
Mum's mussels are aching
My poor mum's quote mussels unquote are hurting her since the accident. She also keeps having the sensation glass is falling on her. Can you believe the guy who drove into her came round hoping she wouldn't be making an insurance claim. What does he think she's going to drive after writing off her car? He's quite shocked at the £350 cost of clearing the road up after the accident and the £700 for mum's helicopter ride to the hospital. I'm shocked too - never thought about charges for stuff like that. He has 3 cars so his insurance premiums are going to hurt. Perhaps he should have considered that before grabbing his cocaine and setting off down the country roads on the wrong side of the road while on a bend.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Remembering QVC experience on EasyJet flight
I was sharing my thoughts on chocolate with a friend recently which reminded me I must blog the wonderful EasyJet experience I had coming back from Andalucia last November. I like chocolate (used to eat dozen plus bars a day as an addicted teenager, bullying my mum to drive me to the garage to get more at times) but these days, as a migraine sufferer, I have to resort to bemusing all in the office as I give the stress signal – i.e. reach for and sniff my chocolate scented teddy bear bought on the said EasyJet flight. That was so funny. The stewards did a QVC shopping channel type show for us with the air hostess even appearing with trolley from behind the curtain to applause. The teddy bear was sold with the words… “now you will get the same effect by rubbing your loved one with a Kit Kat”. There was L’occitane Hand and Foot cream to "bring your trotters back to mint condition" and "enough cream in it to cook a korma". He advised we could ask Natalie the stewardess about any of the products as she lived near Blue Water and had shop lifted everything at some point. The whole plane was in stitches. I love EasyJet!!!
Watched clouds float by listening to Led Zep 1 and 2
What a wonderful May bank holiday Sunday. Had breakfast with Timi before setting off for a very pleasant walk around the village which includes some delightful country lanes beside fields and woodlands. I have my recuperative circuit established now.
I then painted something for my bedroom wall - needed to be red to match my new French duvet cover. I was quite pleased with how it turned out however I did wish I knew what I was doing and could apply some knowledge/skill to make it really stonking.
Timi went off to see Kylie in London and swapped places on the blanket to doze and watch clouds float by which seemed to be aptly accompanied by the sound of Led Zep.
As it clouded over I came inside to change my bed clothes into aforementioned red boudoir affair and tired by this activity had a nap on my bed. Lazy hazy days of summer are coming.
I then painted something for my bedroom wall - needed to be red to match my new French duvet cover. I was quite pleased with how it turned out however I did wish I knew what I was doing and could apply some knowledge/skill to make it really stonking.
Timi went off to see Kylie in London and swapped places on the blanket to doze and watch clouds float by which seemed to be aptly accompanied by the sound of Led Zep.
As it clouded over I came inside to change my bed clothes into aforementioned red boudoir affair and tired by this activity had a nap on my bed. Lazy hazy days of summer are coming.
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